Mohit avatar, just his logo

I'm Mohit.

I have a passion for web development and programming in general. I started learning how to code when I was at the ripe age of 7, when I was first introduced to Scratch in school. From there, I was quickly hooked and started tinkering around with computers and got quite good at it. After that, I picked up JavaScript and started making websites using HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly after, I started delving deeper into other languages such as C#, and made plenty of games in Unity and participated in many game jams (Ludum Dare, GMTK Game Jam). From there, I realized that my main passion was designing and web development, and picked up React & Next.js which leads into now.

In my free time, I listen to plenty of music, my favorite genres being Pop and Indie. Listening to music while doing work or coding is the ideal day for me.

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